app for drinking water reminder

Keep Calm And Drink Water – Our App Will Help You Remember

Multiple times, we come across ‘life tips’ on various platforms that state – the first step to controlling your anger/emotions/anxiety is gulping down a glass of water. Most of the time, we follow the advice as well; but without delving deep into the reasons for it. For the unversed, water helps balance the stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline and calms down the nerves. Now the question is – how is an app for drinking water reminder useful in this aspect? We will look into that.

As you scroll down this post, you will get a brief about – how water helps balance your hormones, how this water drinking app can help you maintain your hydration levels, and finally – what our Water Reminders App offers in terms of benefits.

How does water help balance your hormones?

When a balance is maintained between multiple hormones (that the body secretes), that equilibrium helps achieve psychological stability within the body. Medically referred to as hormonal balance, this assists in – managing growth, reproduction, and metabolism levels. On the whole, to ensure that your body functions correctly, maintaining the hormonal balance is of prime importance.

Water, thanks to its hydrating capacities, when consumed proportionately, helps detoxify the body and regulate the various hormones. Dehydration leads to a rise in cortisol levels, interferes with the reproductive hormones, and affects metabolic rates (thyroid levels). With 60% of our bodies made of water, a dip here and there can significantly impact its functioning. This is where you require a water drinking app that will remind you to chug a few liters every hour or so to maintain your bodily fluids.

Role of app for drinking water reminder in managing the balance

So far, we have understood how water is an essential component in managing the body’s hormone levels. Now let us see how a water reminder app will assist you in managing and maintaining your body’s metabolic fluid level –

1. Hydration helps to detoxify your body

This is something that you have been aware of for ages! You must consume the correct amount of water to cleanse your body and promote proper blood circulation. When your body contains toxins for a considerable period, naturally, the other ‘regular functions’ of the body get messed up!

water drinking

How an app for drinking water reminder help?

With notifications set on the water drinking app, you can track your total fluid consumption. When that level is managed, naturally, your body is cleansed of the toxins, and its metabolic activities are regulated.

2. Dehydration affects the endocrine system

When your body is dehydrated, one of the key physical systems that get affected is the endocrine system. Hormone synthesis requires adequate water. So whether it is managing your cortisol levels (that regulates the body’s metabolism and blood pressure) or taking care of thyroid level fluctuations (that regulates the body’s energy levels) – water is an essential component.

Additionally, the lack of water content in the body affects the balance between testosterone and estrogen, interferes with the libido, and reduces fertility standards (for both genders). Your menstruation is also affected due to this.

How an app for drinking water reminder help?

When you set alarms on this Water Reminders App and consume the miracle drink at the set time, the endocrine system gets the required water ‘on time.’ Therefore, they utilize the same and supervise the secretion of hormones, giving you a healthier body to boast of!

3. Drinking water is crucial to regulating temperature levels

Correct water intake is essential to maintain the body’s normal temperature levels. Also, a dehydrated body enhances cortisol levels, thereby exemplifying the body’s stress and anxiety standards.

How an app for drinking water reminder help?

When you set alarms on your Water Reminders App and consume the set limit of water at standard timings, naturally, the stress levels will be controlled. A hydrated body provides better support to physical functions, thereby helping it cope with untoward situations.

These are some of the preliminary ways in which this Water Reminders App will assist in managing your hormonal levels within the body.

What our Water Reminders App offers you?

In this section, we will provide you with a complete glimpse of the features of this water drinking app –

1. The Hydration Page showcases your daily intake

This is the initial page that tracks your water consumption throughout the day. Say you have to drink a ‘certain’ amount of water. Therefore, every time, you take a sip, just mark it off on the app. By doing this, at the end of the day, you will get to see ‘how much water’ you drank throughout the day and if it matches the ‘total water to be consumed’ level that you had decided previously.

2. A chance to customize your water consumption

The biggest benefit associated with this app for drinking water reminder is – a chance to tailor your water intake levels. Either you can let this app decide how much water you must consume (by putting in your vitals), or you can customize it by opting for the Interval Reminder or Custom Reminder formats. Set your ideal timings, and alternate your fluid consumption between water/fresh fruit juices/herbal teas to gain optimum health.

app for drinking water reminder

3. Updated statistics to show where you stand

The data on this page is collected by a water alert sensor, which helps to track your water intake for a fixed period (last 3/6 months). In this way, you can monitor the graph and look at the months when you peaked and troughed. This analysis will enable you to understand why your body is reacting in a specific manner and where/how/when you have fallen behind. The data from this will assuredly assist you in monitoring your water consumption in a precise manner.

Note: This Water Reminders App is available on Android. You can therefore download it from Google PlayStore. It is also available on Apple iOS as well.

Parting thoughts

Assuming that you have read this post well, now you have gained clarity about the effects of hydration on your hormonal balance. Therefore, as an aware individual, you can track your water intake with this app for drinking water reminder and gain better control of your emotions. Additionally, in the long run, this will regulate your body’s fluid levels, giving you a chance at a healthier body.

For those of you who want to know more about this app, go to the official page and download it. Its advanced features and user-friendly outlook will make it easier for you to understand its usages and applications.

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Is having water the only way to control your hormones?

Not necessarily. What is required is a balanced nutrition level. This includes – a power-packed nutrient diet and consuming hydrating fruits such as cucumbers, strawberries, and watermelon. You can also opt for green/chamomile teas/fresh fruit juices.

2. Can you set alarms on the app at regular intervals?

As you have seen previously in this Water Reminders App, you can set alarms according to your choice. So, whether you pick the Standard Reminder settings or go in for the Custom or Interval formats, you can choose to set alarms as per your requirements.

3. What if you miss out on the alarm?

At times, you may miss out on drinking water right when the alarm sounds. There’s nothing much to worry about! Just drink up a glass of water the moment you remember. You may also drink up two glasses of water the next time your water reminder app alarm rings to maintain the balance.

4. How much sleep is important to balance your hormones?

To lead a healthy life, an individual must sleep for an uninterrupted 8 hours. However, this requirement differs from person to person, depending on their lifestyle habits. But, ensure that you sleep at least 6 hours daily since that could negatively impact your health. On average, 6-8 hours of sleep is a must for a balanced hormone level.

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