what happens if you don't drink enough water

What Happens If You Don’t Drink Water? 4 Points You Must Know!

According to the US Geological Survey, almost 60% of the human body is made of water. Therefore, one needs to keep themself hydrated not only to maintain this balance but also to ensure that the body’s other requirements are met well. Everyone is more or less aware of the importance of drinking water. But the question that is often ignored is – what happens if you don’t drink water? Also, how can, in such a situation, a water drinking app can assist you? We bring you the answers right here!

In this blog, we will decode for you the multifarious negatives of being dehydrated, and also detail you more about how a hydration app can help you monitor your water intake. Stay tuned for more –

What happens if you don’t drink water?

To anyone asking this question, the answer is quite simple – you fall sick. After all, it is a well-known fact that just like food is essential for the functioning of the body, similarly, water is also equally important. Therefore, if you are not consuming it adequately, here are a couple of unpleasant happenings that can occur. Let us look into the details –

1. Metabolism gets affected and hence you are low on energy


low on energy 

For starters, your metabolism gets affected which directly leads to increased fatigue. When you are dehydrated, your body’s metabolism is at an all-time low. Thus, the energy levels are not optimum and hence you cannot function at your best! In fact, multiple studies have shown that due to consistent dehydration, the energy levels keep dropping, and more than everything else the afternoon slump hits hard!

2. A mental fog develops over time


A mental fog develops

Apart from directly affecting your body’s functioning, less water consumption intensely affects your cognitive abilities. In more than a single scenario, it has been found that a person whose water intake is less (compared to the standard rates) has lower cognitive development, vis-a-vis the standard rate.

For the unversed, long periods of dehydration cause mental fog (lack of focus, forgetfulness, and confusion). This, if not worked upon on time, causes serious issues like – attention deficit disorder, problems with focusing, and even Alzheimer’s in the long run.

3. Additional issues like – moodiness, and headaches occur



Water has a crucial role to play when it comes to balancing out hormones. When the body’s hormonal balance is disrupted, that immediately results in issues like – moodiness, period problems, and by extension – headaches. Under such circumstances, a water drink reminder app is of great help, as it helps monitor your water consumption levels and also takes care of the timings.

4. Enhanced risk of stroke or multiple health setbacks


risk of stroke

Did you know that water and sodium perturbations are a reason behind 50% of first-time stroke cases? For the unversed, when you are dehydrated, your blood thickens, and that could immediately cause a blockage in your arteries. Multiple pieces of research have shown that 2/3rds of stroke patients have worsening dehydration levels by the time they end up in the hospital.

That’s not all! While recovering, if your water consumption levels are not up to the mark, then the overall recovery time increases exponentially. Thus, it clearly shows how crucial maintaining and managing your water consumption levels are when dealing with such health setbacks. Taking that into account – a water reminder app, installed on your handset can easily notify you of the lag so that you buck up at the earliest.

Are you now better aware of the fact that how your body can negatively react to you not drinking enough water? Well, it is time, you monitor your water intake and assist in maintaining the balance throughout.

How much water is required in your body?

There is no specified answer to this question since it changes depending on a person’s physical capacities. However, an estimate can be made depending on certain factors. According to the US National Academies Of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the adequate amount of water that you must consume is –

MEN  15.5 cups – 3.7 liters (as per US standard)
WOMEN 11.5 cups – 2.7 liters (as per US standard)

However, this can significantly alter if – the person is working out (the more you sweat, the more water you need to consume), if the woman is breastfeeding, the environment, and overall health.

What are the long-term effects of not drinking enough water?

If you are still hovering on this page, that implies you have seen for yourself – what happens if you don’t drink water. But, now the question is – are there any long-term effects? For the record, there are –

what happens if you don't drink enough water

If you have not been consuming the correct amount of water, then in the long run, you could have multifarious kidney issues (UTI, kidney stones), to the extent of kidney failure. Apart from that, heart issues, muscle cramps, and reduced lifespan are some of the major side effects to name a few! Apart from that, cognitive problems like – reduced brain functioning, dementia, and the chances of Alzheimer’s can increase significantly. On the whole, reduced water consumption substantially degrades the quality of life on the whole.

What are the alternatives to drinking water?

Technically speaking, there is no alternative to drinking water. However, water is not the only way to hydrate your body. There are a multitude of other drinks, vegetables, and fruits that help take care of the daily hydration levels. Let us give you an insight into that –

1. Consuming electrolyte drinks –

Electrolyte drinks are a great way to buck up your nutrition quotient if you are searching for alternatives to drinking water. They are packed with nutrients like – sodium, potassium, magnesium, and more – thereby helping you boost your essential mineral level, and help your body function optimally. You can time their intake on a water drink reminder app, to note their consumption.

2. Having vegetables with high water content –

There are multiple vegetables available that have high water content. So, rather than always consuming water directly, once or twice a day, you can have a salad to balance your hydration levels, albeit in a different manner. The concerned vegetables are – tomatoes and zucchini (94% water), cucumber and lettuce(96% water), celery (95% water), and broccoli (92% water).

3. Fruits that are packed with water –

Certain fruits also have high water content, and rather than sipping on the elixir of life, you can easily pop in a fruit or two during the day. The concerned fruits are – peaches (89% water), strawberries, and watermelon (92% water). Apart from that, apricots, oranges, blueberries, raspberries, plums, and pineapples – all have a water content ranging from (85-90%).

So, you may set the timer in the water drinking app, in such a manner that you can alternate your water consumption levels with your vegetable salad and fruit consumption timings. This will ensure that your hydration level is managed, and that too with an interesting platter at hand!

How can a water reminder app assist you?

You have seen for yourself what happens if you don’t drink water, and also the alternatives to consuming water without making it a bit too monotonous. Having said that, let us explain to you in detail how a credible water drink reminder app will assist you in maintaining your hydration levels throughout the day.

what happens if you don't drink enough water

You can set the timer according to your wish

These water reminder apps come with set timer options. With the help of this, you can set the time at which you wish to drink water and can take a sip accordingly. In this way, you can monitor the amount of water you consume and also do it at your convenience. Thanks to this app, you will get to hydrate your body, at your convenience.

Suits well if you are extremely busy or forgetful

How many of you miss out on drinking water simply because you are extremely busy throughout the day, or simply forgetful? Well, many of you! In fact, data shows that 16 out of 100 adults show signs of constipation in the USA itself, all thanks to not staying hydrated!! So, if you are one of those folks, who is a workaholic, or simply forgets to take that sip – then this hydration app will remind you to take that sip, and that too on time!

Helps to monitor people at home

Do you have kids or elderly at home? Are you not always able to track water intake of theirs throughout the day? Now you can! You can set alarms on your phone, and as soon as you are notified, you can ensure that the concerned people drink up the water. Also, you can easily set the timer according to their medicine or food intake timings, so that you can keep track of the same.

Assists in the recovery process after a health setback

Another crucial benefit of having a hydration app is – to assist in the recovery process after you have had a health issue. For those of you under medication, or had a surgical process, or any such issue whatsoever – such an app with its timer facility can help you keep track of your medicine and also assist in managing and monitoring your water intake.

If you have been looking for such an all-purpose hydration app, then you can surely download the Water Reminders App. Available for both iPhone and Android, this will help you monitor your water intake throughout the day. You can also manage your near and dear one’s water consumption levels through this app.

Parting thoughts

Water is an essential part of one’s diet. Staying hydrated helps your body function in a balanced manner and helps it function to its optimum level. However, more than often when people miss out on their hydration mark, assuredly, it creates a host of issues for them. With a water reminder app, you can not only stay updated on your hydration levels but also manage to time your water intake. If you enjoyed reading this post, then keep an eye on this website for more exciting health-related info!

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