Feel your best with regular reminders to drink water from our app!

Feel Your Best With Regular Reminders To Drink Water From Our App!

It is common knowledge that 70% of the human body is made of water. Added to that, 75% of the human brain is composed of water. These two facts establish the importance of water as an essential being in promoting better cognitive function, improved memory, and thereby enhanced lifestyle. With the assistance of a credible water drinking app, you will be able to monitor your water intake over time and ensure better cognitive abilities. 

This post will define the relationship between hydration and mental clarity, and also showcase the available features of this app, we are talking about. Let us get to the specifics – 

How is Drinking Water Connected To Mental Clarity? 


Feel your best with regular reminders to drink water from our app!


There is a deep connection between drinking water and gaining cognitive clarity – 

  • Dehydration impacts the cognitive functions of the brain 

Dehydration directly affects the cognitive functioning of the brain. When your hydration levels fall below the standard limit, you may immediately get headaches, or feel a sense of dizziness. With time, this small medical issue will enhance to cause decreased attention span, and cognitive disabilities, to the extent of memory loss. If you are someone who cannot remember to take a sip regularly, you can use a water reminder app to assist you.

  • Correct hydration assists in transporting oxygen 

Are you aware that water has a huge role to play in transporting oxygen and other nutrients/minerals to different parts of the body? When dehydrated, the oxygen supply to the brain and other parts is affected. This results in poor cognitive abilities in the brain, which directly affects the performance levels. With a water drinking app you can time your water intake and ensure that you have optimum hydration level in the long run. 

  • Water helps regulate body temperature and removes toxins 

It is a well-known fact that water regulates body temperature and helps remove toxins systematically. Having said that, if left unregulated (both body temperature and toxicity), then that could affect one’s brain significantly. As a thermoregulator of the body, water controls the temperature levels and maintains the optimum temperature levels within the body. 

That’s not all! It also enhances the functioning of the glymphatic system (which removes waste) and improves the brain’s functioning capacity. 

  • Balances the hormonal levels within the body 

Water is essential to balance the different hormone productions in the body. A disruption in the balancing of hormones results in mood swings, irregular eating, and sleeping habits, and problems with the overall functioning of the body (an imbalance in hormones is a result of multiple physical/mental health issues). 

If your hormones get affected, then your brain’s functioning is reduced affecting mental clarity. Keeping a count of your water intake levels with a water drinking app will help you to micromanage your health. 

  • Enhances sleep quality 

It is no secret that mental clarity is connected to a good night’s sleep. If you are sleep deprived, then your brain does not function to its optimum faculty resulting in clouded judgments. Additionally, proper hydration levels are crucial for promoting the melatonin hormone, which improves sleep quality. 

What Are The Symptoms Of Dehydration? 


What are the symptoms of dehydration


Some of the vital symptoms of dehydration include – 

  • Dryness of skin or mouth 
  • Fatigue, headache and lightheadedness 
  • Cognitive issues (disruption in mental clarity) 
  • Rapid heartbeat with a sense of weakness 
  • Dark urine (amber/deep yellow color) 

As you have seen for yourself, how a dehydrated body affects your cognitive clarity therefore an app for drinking water reminder can assist you in measuring the amount of water you drink. 

How This Water Drinking App Can Benefit You? 


How this water drinking app can benefit you


There are multiple ways by which the water reminder app can help you monitor your water intake – 

  • As you know, you can set alarms and time your water intake through this app. In this way, you will soon have a steady routine that will benefit you in the long run. 
  • Many people wish to drink juices/herbal teas instead of water at times.  But what happens in most cases is that they miss out on drinking any of these as there is no time left! With this app, they can now manage to include those into their schedule on time. 
  • If you are one of those who wish to reduce their intake of caffeine and drink more water instead – then this water drinking app can be of great assistance. Time your coffee schedule and intermingle it with water to standardize the intake levels. 
  • For those of you who are suffering from certain mental health issues, or are under medication – this app can be of excellent help to you. Time your water intake appropriately, or with your medicine timings to enhance your cognitive functioning. 

These are some benefits you can receive by installing the Water Reminders App on your phone. Let us brief you more on the exclusive features of this app. 

Features of Water Reminders App For You 

The vital features of this app are – 

  • In-app features to set your water intake target 
  • Water Alert Sensors 
  • Graphical Representations 

Let us brief you on the same – 

The Water Reminders App takes in your data – like weight/age/climate and determines the correct amount of water that you must consume. 
You can follow the app’s recommendations and ensure that you drink an adequate amount of water over a particular time period. 
This water drinking app comes with alert sensors like – Standard Settings/ Interval Settings/ Custom Settings. Pick one that suits your requirements. 
Standard Reminder Settings allows you to set alarms at specified timings. This will help you maintain a schedule of your water intake. 
With the Interval and Custom Settings formats, you can set alarms as per your choice. 

Whether you want the alarm every 2 hours, or at particular times after your meals – you can always set the timings as per your priority. 

For enhanced brain power set your water routine accordingly. 

The Hydration Page will update you on the amount of water you consume throughout the day. This app for drinking water reminder is designed in a way, wherein, you can notify the app of the amount of water you consume after every sip. 

At day’s end, or when you reach the target amount, it will update you of the same. This will help you keep count of your total water intake. 

The Statistics Page will update you on how much water you consume throughout a specified period. From a couple of weeks to a month or more, it will update you on your water intake data thereby allowing you to figure out a problem if any. 

Conclusive Thoughts 


What many people are unaware of is that – water has a significant role to play in enhancing your memory. Dehydration is one of the critical reasons behind the cognitive decline. Though most people manage to drink an adequate amount of water, at times, people need to catch up on the standard levels. In addition, there are other commitments that untowardly make people forget to take a sip. However, with a water drinking app, remembering to drink water at regular intervals has become more accessible. The alarms remind you to sip up; all you have to do is tap the water you drank. At the end of the day, it will showcase your total water intake precisely. 

If you enjoyed reading this post and want to know more about the benefits of water and this app, then keep an eye on this space. 

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